Friday, October 17, 2008

John Maeda

“The gleaming devices (referencing his iphone) that surround us are intrinsically different from the designed objects of the past. They simply don’t work all the time, nor do we expect them to. We’re obsessed with the potential of our gadgets, yet we always bump into this kind of turbulence.”

John is reflecting on the possibilities our technology offers, yet these are only POSSIBILITIES. We do not assume our computers, cell phones, and PDA’s alike will last forever. Of course we will encounter problems. Of course we will send them back to the manufacturer “once in a while.”
John has a new plan. A plan that may delay the launch of a new product, but a plan that will produce BETTER, more EFFICIENT tools. John says, “I plan to focus on how RISD’s core ideals of art and design can humanize our advancing technologies. Or, put another way, to focus on what we should be doing, not just what we can.”

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